Procedure for rehabilitation service delivery

Step 1.

A person with a disability or his legal representative applies to the Medical and Social Expertise Commissions for the area where the person with a disability lives with an ID card and forms a reservation for the desired date based on the occupancy of the bed fund.

At least 2 (two) working days before the date of admission of the disabled person to the rehabilitation center, information about this is sent to one of the means of communication (phone, e-mail, etc.) or SMS notification is sent to the working mobile phone number of the PWD or his/her legal representative on the date and rehabilitation center.

Required documents:

  • ID cards

Step 2.

The PWD whose reservation is made through the Rehabilitation Subsystem approaches the rehabilitation center according to the reservation date and the rehabilitation service is started.

Required documents:

  • ID cards

*Additional examination documents may be required based on the diagnosis.