Provision of rehabilitation facilities

People with disabilities are provided with prosthetic-orthopedic products and other rehabilitation tools according to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the approval of the "List of types of rehabilitation facilities provided to persons with disabilities at the expense of the state budget" and "Conditions and Rules for providing rehabilitation facilities to persons with disabilities".

Provision of rehabilitation facilities for persons with disabilities, through Personal Rehabilitation Program based on the decision of the Medical-Social Expert Commissions (hereinafter - TSEK) (except for cars ) is carried out by the Prosthetic Orthopedic Production and Rehabilitation Center under the State Medical-Social Expertise and Rehabilitation Agency in mobile, ambulatory and stationary form.          

To determine the medical indication for rehabilitation facilities, the disabled person is first examined by TSEK in the area, according to the "Conditions and Rules for providing persons with disabilities with rehabilitation facilities", a medical prescription for the needed rehabilitation tool is determined. After the decision on this is submitted to Disability Subsystem, the disabled person or his authorized representative applies to the Prosthetic Orthopedic Production and Rehabilitation Center.


Rehabilitation tools (prosthesis-orthosis, orthopedic shoes, and other rehabilitation tools)

• Epicrisis by the appropriate health care facility

• Extract from the Medical-Social Expertise examination

• Original and copy of identity document


Hearing aid

• Epicrisis by the appropriate health care facility

• Extract from the Medical-Social Expertise examination

• Original and copy of identity document

• Medical opinion of an audiologist



• Extract from the Medical-Social Expertise examination

• Original and copy of identity document

• Prescription for the provision of a wheelchair in the Personal Rehabilitation Program (if the procedure for the provision of rehabilitation equipment is determined by medical instructions, based on the decision of the Medical and Social Expert Commissions of the Agency, the rehabilitation equipment shall be provided by the Prosthetic Orthopedic Rehabilitation Center under the Agency as mobile, ambulatory and stationary, as determined in the Individual Rehabilitation Program in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities".


Information                                                                                                      +994 12 376 80 11

Prosthetics and ready-made rehabilitation tools                                        +994 77 489 90 04

Wheelchair                                                                                                       +994 77 489 90 05

Ganja branch                                                                                                  +994 77 489 00 14



POPRC Baku: Baku city, Khatai district, Seyid Azim Shirvani 3

POPRC Ganja branch: Ganja city, Yeni Ganja, 28 May street, building 25


Car provision

A car is provided free of charge by the state to persons with the specified disabilities in cases where there is a medical prescription.

More information here