Disability pension

Disability pension is established due to limitation of the insured's ability to work due to mental or physical disorders caused by illness or injury. The percentage of impairment of body functions, causes and duration of disability are determined by the relevant executive authority in accordance with the legislation.

Disability pension is assigned to persons who have been determined to be disabled due to 81-100 percent impairment of body functions, provided 4 months of insurance period for each full year of working age, as well as the total insurance period is not less than 5 years. Disability pension for persons diagnosed with a disability due to 31-80 percent impairment of the body's functions is entitled if pension capital registered in the insurance part of the individual account allows for pension provision not less than the minimum labour pension, and if there is a sufficient insurance period specified in the Law “On Labour Pensions”.


Labour pensions are entitled for military servicemen, including those who during compulsory military service have been determined to be disabled due to 81-100 percent impairment of body functions due to the war (except for servicemen deprived of military ranks and other military servicemen of other term) regardless of period of service.


The amount of the insurance part of disability pension is determined by the following formula:

SH=PSK/(TxK), where:

SH - the insurance part of labuor pension due to disability;

PSK - is the pension capital registered in the insurance part of the insured's personal account on the date of the determination of disability pension (including the pension capital registered in the insurance part of the insured's personal account in accordance with Article 27 of the Law);

T - is the number of months of the expected pension payment period;

K is the coefficient of insurance continuity. The coefficient of insurance attendance is defined as the ratio of the required insurance years of service to 200 for the disability pension.

If a person does not have the right to a disability pension, he has the right to receive social benefits in the cases provided by the legislation.


How to apply:

 A citizen can apply to the regional branch of the State Social Protection Fund or to the DOST centers in person or through a representative under a power of attorney.


Required documents

1. A copy of the identity card of the person who is assigned a labour pension (in the case of foreigners and stateless persons, a copy of the permit card granting the right to permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan);

2. Extract about the result of the medical and social expertise examination determining the disability of the person;

3. Documents related to social insurance seniority;


The amount and duration of the disability pension

Based on the insurance indicators, the amount of pension is determined according to the pension capital accumulated in the individual account.

Note: The amount of the minimum pension is 280 manats.

The term of the disability pension is determined by the relevant executive authority.