Provision of social services at home (mobile)

General Information

According to the Law “On Social Services”, social services at home (mobile) are provided to lonely elderly people, elderly spouses, persons with disabilities, people on a terminal phase of the disease who do not live in the same residential area as their able-bodied relatives or legal representatives.

Home (mobile) social service is provided by a social worker and a social servant, depending on the nature of that service.

Services provided by a social worker

Services provided by a social worker are as follows:

1. to assist the person in need of social services in obtaining medical and psychological assistance and legal advice;

2. to assist in the preparation of guardianship and patronage documents, the collection of necessary documents for sending lonely citizens and persons with disabilities to the boarding house, persons under the age of 18 with limited health opportunities to appropriate special educational institutions;

3. provide rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities;

4. to develop the habits and skills of persons with disabilities under age of 18 in daily life, large and small motor skills, communication and cognitive skills;

5. to support the social adaptation of persons with limited health opportunities under the age of 18;

6. to give appropriate advice to parents for the development of persons with disabilities under the age of 18, including teaching the use of necessary auxiliary devices and tools;

7. to help the social inclusion of the family;

8. to carry out other activities with the aim of meeting the needs of children with limited health conditions and solving their problems.

Services provided by a social servant

Services provided by a social worker are as follows:

1. to help prepare food (including dietary meals);

2. feeding patients who cannot take care of themselves and washing dishes;

3. helping the person to bathe and comb his hair;

4. change bedding, wash and iron bed and clothing items;

5. take bedding and clothing items to and from the laundry and dry cleaning station (if there is a laundry and dry cleaning station);

6. to make small repairs of clothes;

7. tidying and cleaning the apartment;

8. buy necessary food, industrial and household goods;

9. to arrange the payment of housing money and other utility costs;

10. to maintain contact with the relevant organizations for the purpose of meeting the needs for heat, fuel, and repair;

11. arrange the yard area;

12. call a doctor at home, buy medicine from the pharmacy with the doctor's appointment, take to and from the doctor's examination;

13. when a citizen taken to social service dies, to assist in solving issues related to his burial.




 Number of service


Duration of service






1. Home (mobile) social service

1.1. For persons (families) who lack the capacity for self-care due to illness, disability, or senility, as well as lack able-bodied relatives or legal representatives who can care for and help them, as well as persons in the terminal (last) stage of the disease

                1.1.1. Social-household services

assisting with meal preparation (including diet meals), feeding patients who cannot take care of themselves, and washing dishes

8 times

1 hour

20 min.

purchase of necessary food, industrial and household goods

4 times

30 min.

tidying and cleaning of apartments

4 times

1 hour

washing and ironing of bedding and clothes

4 times

1 hour

30 min.

arranging payment of housing bills and other utility costs

1 time

30 min.

maintaining contact with the relevant organizations for the purpose of meeting the needs for heat, fuel, and repairs

during service

calling a doctor to the house

during service

buying medicine from a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription

during service

when a citizen taken to social service dies, assisting in issues related to his burial

during service



                1.1.2. Social and legal services

 assisting in the preparation of guardianship documents, collecting the necessary documents for sending lonely elderly citizens and  persons with disabilities to social service institutions

during service


A social service is provided by a social servant to spouses, parents-children and siblings living in the same residential area.

Persons with disabilities are registered separately for providing rehabilitation services at home.

Home (mobile) social services are not provided to persons whose life activities are limited due to a socially dangerous disease.

In what cases is home (mobile) social service provision stopped?

The provision of social services at home (mobile) is stopped in the following cases:

1. When a person in need of social services starts living in the same residential area as his able-bodied relatives or legal representatives;

2. When lonely elderly people, persons with disabilities are placed in state social service institutions;

3. When the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is completed;

4. When a person in need of social services dies.

Application procedure

For provision of social services at home (mobile) to eligible beneficiaries, shall apply in person to the local institutions of the Social Services Agency, to the DOST centers or to the "unified coordination centers for the appeals of martyrs’ family members, military personnel injured in the war and persons with disabilities”, as well as by calling to the 142 Call Center of the Ministry or to 116 123 Care Call Center of Social Services Agency.

To ensure social services to beneficiary, one of the adult members of the family, or within the interests of the person (family) - the beneficiary’s parents, other legal representative (guardian, protector), municipalities, non-governmental organizations, as well as other persons with the consent of that beneficiary, shall apply to the above-mentioned institutions.

Required documents

• ID card;

• E-certificate on disability from the Medical-Social Expertise Commission (TSEK);

• Document confirming that the person lives alone;

• Outpatient card extract;

• Relevant certificate about persons registered at the applicants place of residence;

• Medical certificate of health, stating information about not being a carrier of infectious diseases and mental health status