Mobile social rehabilitation service for children with disabilities aged 0-6 years

General Information

Provision of mobile social rehabilitation services to children with disabilities aged 0-6 years is regulated by Article 19.2.6 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Social Services.


Currently, the mobile social rehabilitation service is provided to children with disabilities aged 0-6 in Baku city (12 districts) by a team of specialists. These specialists are social workers, psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists. Each specialist participates in the assessment of the child. Depending on the diagnosis, age characteristics and behavior of the child with disabilities, relevant specialists prepare an individual rehabilitation program for that child. According to the program, mobile social rehabilitation service is provided twice a week, not less than half an hour.

Terms, required documents, and application procedure

Mobile social rehabilitation services are provided to children aged 0-6 with limited health opportunities. Parents, relatives, other legal representatives (guardians), municipalities, non-governmental organizations, as well as other persons, shall apply to the Social Services Agency or its local branches, as well as by calling 116 123 Care Call Center and 142 Call Center.

Required documents are as follows:

  • Copy of child's ID card;
  • Copy of ID cards of the child's parents;
  • An electronic document confirming the child's limited health conditions.