In recent years, significant steps have been taken to increase accessibility to the targeted assistance program.
The targeted state social assistance program, which provides important support to the well-being of low-income families, currently covers 75000 families with 331000 family members. These families receive an average of 470 manat per month.
In recent years, several changes have been made in the legislation to increase accessibility to the targeted assistance program and ease the conditions for eligibility. Last year, the “Targeted Assistance” e-system was redesigned, significantly simplifying the application procedure.
Applicants for assistance are no longer required to provide information about family members receiving social payments, being students, pupils, unemployed, former internally displaced persons, serving in the military, owning real estate, land share ownership, utility expenses, disability status, etc.
if during the verification of the family's financial situation it is discovered that the subscriber, meter numbers, yard area and other information are not correctly indicated in the "Application-Declaration", this information is corrected on the spot and the application is reviewed again.
If a family that has received targeted assistance re-applies, and if:
then no additional examination of the family’s material and living conditions is conducted.
In recent years, the mentioned changes have led to an expansion of the program's coverage. For instance, the number of families receiving targeted assistance has increased 1,8 times from 42700 in 2018 to 76000 in 2024, and the number of family members has increased from 173100 to 334000.
The average monthly amount of targeted assistance per family has increased 2,7 times from 175 manat in 2018 to 473 manat in 2024.
The total annual amount of funds paid to the population for targeted assistance has increased nearly fourfold during this period, with around 400 million manat currently allocated annually. In total, from 2018 to 2024, 1,7 billion manat has been paid to the population through the targeted social assistance program.
In families receiving targeted social assistance, a monthly benefit is also paid for children under the age of 1, and this benefit has increased nearly twofold from 50 manat in 2018 to 100 manat in 2024.