Social Provision Policy Department

Social Provision Policy Department

The Social Provision Policy Department is a structural unit of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Department implements the policy related to the provision of social security rights of the families of martyrs and persons with disabilities, state social assistance, social allowances, various types of Presidential grants, monthly allowance for work injured employees whose health is impaired as a result of an industrial accident or occupational disease, or to the family members and other dependents of the employee who died due to this, state social service to persons (families) in difficult living conditions.

In its activities, the department follows the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Civil Service" and other laws, the "Statute of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and other decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions of the Board, the orders of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population and the Regulation of the Department.

While performing its duties and exercising its rights, the Department interacts with other structural units of the Ministry, as well as central and local executive authorities.