DOST Job Center

DOST Job Center LLC is a subsidiary of the Sustainable and Operational Social Provision Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. DOST Job Center implements state policy in the field of provision of social sevices by providing public works for unemployed persons, financing their wages, ecological restoration of territories (greening works in places of public importance, construction of forest strips, maintenance of parks and public places), repair and housing-communal services.

In its activities, The Center is guided by the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Center’s Charter, other decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, normative and legal acts of the Ministry, orders of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection.

While performing its duties and exercising its rights, the Center interacts with state and local self-government bodies, international and non-governmental organizations and other legal entities and natural persons.

The Center shall ensure the development of the relevant field, make proposals to the Ministry regarding the formulation of state policy and its implementation, cooperate with the relevant state bodies (institutions), participate in the development and implementation of proposals, and provide employment, take measures to improve their social protection and well-being, including ensuring the performance of duties defined by the statute regarding their involvement in paid public works, improving the activity in the relevant field and increasing transparency, improving the quality of the services provided raising, taking measures for their electronic implementation, acting in other directions specified in the Charter belong to the Company's activities.

The current management of the Center’s activity is carried out by the director, who is the sole executive body of the Center. The director leads the current activity and carries out its operative management.