State Employment Agency

The State Employment Agency is a public legal entity which organizes active employment measures, manages unemployment insurance funds, ensures social protection of jobseekers and unemployed persons, monitors compliance with  the requriements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Employment”, as well as analyzes the labour market together with relevant state bodies (institutions), operates in the field of the implementation of control measures related to the detection and prevention of informal employment, organizes education, information, and propaganda in this regard. The Agency operates under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In its activities, the Agency complies with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Agency’s Charter, other decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, normative-legal acts of the Minister.

While performing its duties and exercising its rights, the Agency interacts with state and local self-government bodies, trade unions, international and non-governmental organizations, and other legal and natural persons. The Agency engages in activities of national and social importance. In cases determined by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Agency may engage in entrepreneurial activities to achieve the goals set forth in its Charter. The Agency has its independent balance sheet, property, treasury, bank accounts, logo (emblem), seal with the Ministry's name and its own name engraved on it, relevant stamps and letterheads.

In accordance with the law, the Agency has the right, as well as duties, to conclude contracts, acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf. The Agency may act as a plaintiff or defendant in court.

The Agency’s activities are to ensure the development and to make proposals to the Ministry regarding the formulation of state policy in the relevant field, to ensure its implementation, to cooperate with related state bodies (institutions), to ensure the implementation of active labour market policies in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Employment" in order to expand the employment opportunities of jobseekers and unemployed persons, ensure their professional orientation, professional training, increase their knowledge and skills, and form a workforce in accordance with the requirements of the labour market, manage unemployment insurance funds, ensure the use of those funds for their purpose, including the financing of active labour market policies and the provision of insurance payments, to create and use a vacancy bank based on employers' information about vacant and required jobs, as well as newly created jobs, to participate in the implementation of control measures in the field of detection and prevention of informal employment, as well as the legalization of informal employment, to ensure the employment of persons who have special need for social protection and who have difficulty in finding a job in accordance with the quota established under the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Employment", to improve the activity in the relevant field and increase transparency, as well as to take measures to improve the quality of the provided services and to implement them electronically, to support innovative ideas and projects and to act in other directions defined in the Charter.