Social Services Agency

The Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a public legal entity implementing state policy in the field of provision of social services to persons (families) in need of social services in the forms and types determined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Social Services", social protection and well-being, as well as adoption.

In its activities, the Agency complies with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Agency's Charter, other decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, normative and legal acts of the Ministry, orders of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection.

While performing its duties and exercising its rights, the Agency interacts with state and local self-government bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, and other legal and natural persons.

The Agency has an independent balance sheet, property, treasury, bank accounts, logo (emblem), seal with the name of the Ministry and its own name, relevant stamps and letterheads.

The activities of the Agency include development of the relevant field, making proposals to the Ministry regarding the formulation of state policy in this field, implementation of that policy, cooperation with relevant state bodies (institutions), participation in the development and implementation of proposals, provision of social services to persons (families) in need ), taking measures to improve their social protection and well-being, implementation of the tasks defined by the statute in the field of adoption, improving the activity in the relevant field and increasing transparency, improving the quality of the services provided, and taking measures to implement them electronically, supporting innovative ideas and proposals and acting in other directions defined in the Agency’s Charter.

The Agency applies progressive corporate governance standards in its operations and management. The governing body of the Agency is the Board of Directors. The Management Board consists of 4 (four) members - the Chairman of the Management Board appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan and his 3 (three) deputies.