The "Medical Certification" subsystem of the State Medical-Social Expertise and Rehabilitation Agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population won the first place in the "Digital Project of the Year" nomination at the IDDA AWARDS competition, and the proactive appointment mechanism of the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry took the second place.
The competition was organized by the Innovation and Digital Development Agency under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport. The goal is to introduce the most promising innovators of the ecosystem and support their activities, to create a competitive environment among those who actively participate in the development of the country's innovation.
Through the "Medical Certification" subsystem, which was announced as the winner of the "Digital Project of the Year" nomination, in the process of the final medical assessment of conscripts, electronic exchange of information between institutions was ensured. This allowed to ensure transparency and flexibility, objective approach and citizen satisfaction in the process.
In order to conduct the final medical examination of the conscript, the opinion of the Central Military Medical Commission is approved and the relevant referral is entered into the "Medical Certification" subsystem of the Ministry. According to that referral, conscripts undergo visual examinations at the Agency's Medical Assessment Center in an e-queue system, which is automatically assigned to them.
The proactive appointment mechanism created in 2019 has created conditions for the electronic appointment of social payments without the need to apply and submit documents for citizens who have the right to receive them. The mechanism of proactive determination of social payments has been awarded many international awards in the past.