A meeting was held at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population with employers operating in the liberated areas.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, the Restoration, Construction, and Management Services of Aghdam, Fuzuli, Khojavend, Jabrayil, Gubadli, Zangilan, and Lachin, SOCAR, Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL), the Azerbaijan State Water Reserves Agency, "Tamiz Shahar" OJSC, Azerishiq OJSC, Azerenerji OJSC, the Technical Supervision Service for Construction Works, and AS Construction LLC.
Vusal Nasirli, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population, noted that within the framework of the State Program for the Great Return, the employment programs implemented in the liberated areas are continuously being expanded. He emphasized the importance of active cooperation with employers in the successful implementation of employment programs and increasing employment levels in these areas.
The results of the work done with employers to ensure the employment of citizens relocated to these areas, as well as those planned for relocation, were discussed, along with the tasks ahead and further steps to be taken together.