A number of new electronic information services were created within the framework of improving the interactive voice response (IVR) services at the “142” Call Center of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population.
These include:
• the assignment of a one-time social benefit to people released from prison and in need of medical and social assistance,
• the transfer from one type of pension to another,
• the determination of disability,
• the explanation of the legislation on the assignment of a monthly pension to those who take care of individuals with disability, who have 81-100 % impairment of body functions.
Previously, electronic services such as learning the current status of applications for targeted social assistance, one-time childbirth allowances, disability determinations, and other related services, as well as explaining the legislative procedures for applying for different types of social security benefits were digitalized.
As a result, people contacting to the “142” Call Center can now listen to information through an audio menu, after selecting the relevant service, both during working and non-working hours, without connecting to the operator.
The aim is to provide more flexible electronic responses to simple requests, frequently asked questions, and calls that do not require direct operator assistance.