The State Labour Inspectorate Service under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, the State Employment Agency under the Ministry, and the Agdash District Executive Power jointly organized the conference in Agdash.
The conference, dedicated to the "Year of the Constitution and Sovereignty" was focused on the topic "Labour Relations and Employment: Modern Challenges and Digital Solutions." It was attended by the head of Agdash District Executive Power Orkhan Huseynzade, head of the State Labour Inspectorate Service Vali Guliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency Sadig Aliyev, representatives of the Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation, the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan, and employers.
Opening the conference, head of Agdash District Executive Power Orkhan Huseynzade emphasized the significance of the conference held in the region and its importance in raising awareness of the ongoing reforms in labour and employment fields.
Panel discussions followed. In the first panel titled "Innovations and Perspectives in Labour Relations and Employment," O.Huseynzade, V.Guliyev, and S.Aliyev spoke as panelists and answered questions on the topic.
V.Guliyev provided information about the recent social reforms and the actions taken by the Service within the framework of these reforms. He spoke about new digital solutions introduced based on the recent changes in the legislation regulating the formalization of labour relations and their regulation, as well as the opportunities they create for employers and employees.
He highlighted that last year, 57 national standards were approved in the field of labour protection, and the expected benefits of the “Model Employer” project, a new initiative in the field of labour safety, being implemented in the regions, including Agdash, were brought to the attention of entrepreneurs.
It was noted that the recent legislative changes, digital solutions, and new projects in the direction of regulating labour relations and ensuring labour protection expand preventive and proactive measures to prevent violations of labour laws by employers.
S.Aliyev mentioned that the State Employment Agency had created a career advisor institution in line with the new concept, regularly organizing meetings between career advisors and employers, during which employers' needs are studied.
He pointed out that cooperation is currently underway with employers in the areas of vocational training, vacancy banks, organizing job fairs, and joint financing programs. In the near future, this list will also include the financing of additional job placements and targeted programs.
The second panel of the conference focused on "Decent Labour Provision: Digital Solutions and New Job Opportunities." Initially, presentations were made on the activities of the State Labour Inspectorate Service and the State Employment Agency, followed by a Q&A session.
The event also featured video presentations on labour relations, labour protection, and employment.
Additionally, a roundtable with entrepreneurs was held, where their questions were answered, and their suggestions were listened to.