As part of the Great Return program, measures to support the employment of the residents of Talish village, Tartar region, continue.
Meetings were held with 20 families relocated to the village in the first stage by the State Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. Analyzes have been carried out and the persons who can be involved in employment measures have been determined.
As a result, employment of 29 residents of the village has already been ensured. They were provided with work on various vacancies.
The agency is also working on the involvement of rural residents in the self-employment program. 9 residents have already been involved in the self-employment program.
Business trainings were organized for those persons in cooperation with the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBIA). They will be given equipment to create their small farms in different economic fields within the framework of the program in the coming days.
Enterprises operating in Talish village were identified and vacancy requirements were studied. Work is also being done to cooperate with those employers on the "Financing the wages of employees together with the employer" program.
A part of the salary of the residents who will be involved in the program will be paid by the State Employment Agency, thus the program will not only support the employment of those residents, but also employers in the area.